Preparation of manuscript

We cordially invite authors to submit articles in the “MACHINE SCIENCE” journal on the following topics:

- Mechanic

- Machine design

- Materials Science and Metallurgy

- Mechanical engineering technology

- Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering

- Energy and Environment

- Automation and ICT

- Economics and management (in mechanical engineering)


Original, informative, review and research papers are published, in line with the subject matter of the journal, with the volume of articles from 10 to 15 pages (1 page = 1800 characters with spaces) + original (prepared by the author) drawings, charts, tables, etc.

For submission of your article please send it in doc and pdf version (both of them), images/photos/figures in high resolution (minimum 300 dpi) and other materials to our cooperative email [email protected] .


Page format – A4; Margins: top - 20 mm; bottom - 20 mm; right - 20 mm; left - 20 mm; Font: Times New Roman; interval – 1,5.

The journal accepts articles only in English.


    The manuscript should contain:
  • -The title of the article and key words, names of authors and co-authors, their place of work and position, as well as full address, telephone number and e-mail address;
  • -Abstract of the article with 250-350 words; the following issues should be included in the abstracts: what is the article about, what was the subject of the study and what research was carried out, what research methods were used and briefly: what were the results obtained and what are the conclusions;
  • -The text of the work, in a compact and precise way discussing the current state of knowledge in the field discussed, methodology of research and discussion of the results obtained. The following structure of the article is recommended: abstract, introduction, theoretical analysis, research methodology, experimental part, results and their discussion, conclusions and list of literature (in alphabetical order). Do not enter the numbering of individual parts of the work;
  • -Provide the source of research funding (e.g. number and name of the research project awarded by NCN, NCBR, OPI, commission from industry, etc.);
  • -Separately, in the literature, legal and normative acts should be referred to;
  • -Authors are kindly asked to attach their photo and a short text to the biographical note (place of work, employer's address, position);
  • -If the article sent to the Editorial has been prepared by several authors, they are obliged to specify the percentage share in its preparation together with information about the entities that contributed to its creation (content-related, financial, factual contribution);
  • -Photographs, maps, charts, etc. submitted for publication should be prepared by the authors themselves, and if they are reprinted from other magazines (including the internet), authors should obtain and send to the Editorial, permission from the publisher who originally published these materials. Minimum format must be TIFF, PNG or JPEG with high resolution (minimum 300 dpi) ;
  • -Please type formulas in standard Microsoft Equation Editors. The main formulas that will be cited in the text should be numbered on the right side
  • -Tables should be placed in the text, numbered, and the name of each table should be indicated in the upper right corner.
  • -Manifestations of scientific misconduct of the submitted articles detected by the editors regarding the concealment of the contribution of other authors in the preparation of the publication or suspicion of plagiarism will always be disclosed, including notifying the relevant entities.
  • -Each reference should contain information about the author, title, full name of the publishing house or conference, DOI number (if it has been assigned to a given publication), year and issue number and page numbers on which the given article was published;